Nowadays it has become common practice, in fact trendy, for people, locally or leftist internationalists, to attack our culture as being extremely-woman biased. We men apparently have no respect for women, and treat them as our cattle. In our mentality all women are good for , so the critics claim, is cooking, breeding, and whining. Our culture puts undue and unnecessary restrictions on women that do not apply to men.
An admission, first of all, is required. I think everyman out there must be able to have the guts and stand up and say that there are aspects in our society that are extremely unfair to women. As I've mentioned before, the fact that children of Bahraini women who are not married to bahrainis do not get a passport is an outrage. The fact that women never go above certain job positions simply because we do not like a woman boss is also not acceptable.
Is there, however, a coherent outlook on why we tend to look at women differently than men? Is there a reason other than the usual tirade of accusations of us being bigoted and abnoxious men who get a sadistic pleasure in restricting women? Are the hippie-lefties right? Is that all we are? Uncivilized barbarian brutes?
I think there is another explanation.
One again, some forewarnings are necessary. I do not claim to represent the viewpoints of all men on this subject, only mine. Furthermore, this is not in anyway a ploy to try to excuse men out of their misdeeds. We have done more to harm society and women more than any other gender could dream of. All I'm offering is a different viewpoint, something other than the usual accusations of us being chauvinistic bastards.
So why has our society placed a lot of restrictions on women up until now? Actually, let's take this issue from a different viewpoint, as that question comes from a biased viewpoint from the start that immediately puts you on the defensive. Let's take the opposite polar viewpoint and rephrase the question: why has society created such a high moral perception of women?
That, i think, is one of the key (i'm not in anyway saying it's the only) viewpoints to approach the issue, in order to understand the way our society functions with regards to male-female relations. Our society is not all made up of sadistic individuals who just like constraining others, our society does actually also have its own moral perspective on the issue.
One of the reasons we have the viewpoint we have is because, I think, we tend to regard women as of higher moral stature than men. We tend to, in a way, regard women as angels, that traditionally in society do no wrong. From the moment we grow up, we see the personality and dedication of our mothers, and we cannot help but think that we are in presence of a higher being. Who here can imagine a mother being a serial killer, a daughter being a robber, or a sister being a serial one-night-stander with countless venerial diseases?
We seem to associate most vices in society with men. Let's admit it, even that issue that horrifies us most of all, that of women being promiscuous with men, is mainly a man-created problem. We are the ones who mostly behave ludely with girls, we are the ones who chase women and harass them, and not the other way around. We are the ones who mostly cannot control our sexual instincts, and it's because of our own instincts that women have to defend themselves from sexual predation.
We are the ones who commit most of the robberies in society, we are the ones who commit most of the murders, and we are the ones who commit most of the wars that have ravaged this world.
This is why, I think, we tend to regard women on a higher moral level, and experience a greater sense of shock when we hear of women commiting such activities. We somehow see women as creating, upholding, and defending the moral principles that we hold dear in our society, and that without their stance, our morality as we know it would crumble.
That's why, I think, a lot of guys get shocked when we see women in our society not only taking on the positive changes from western society, but also those that we consider as vulgar and morally corrupt. Most of us, I think, are happy to see women take more active roles in society in business, politics, and general societal structure. Most of us, however, are also appalled by the idea of women empowerment meaning women being more men-like. Does that mean we are also now going to have woman thieves, serial killers, sexual predators, and embezzlers? We are abhorred by the idea of women now actively flirting with women and teasing them a la Madonna. We are abhorred by the idea of women now also embezzling funds out of the government. We are abhorred by the idea of women also now becoming home-abandoners and family breakers. Maybe that is why a lot of guys either have a completely angelic view of women, and if something shocks that image, they switch to the opposite extreme, of viewing women as some sort of lower-class despisable creatures.
Most importantly, we are abhorred by the idea of women become as cynical and dillusioned as us. We are abhorred by the idea of women losing faith in society and country just like we have. Basically, we know we are not as good as women in upholding the moral fabric in society, and we know that if women abandon that, then all is lost as well.
Maybe that's an unduly angelic perception of women, and maybe it is being extremely idealistic eyes and viewing women through rose-tinted glasses. Isn't there, however, anything of significance from this viewpoint that's worth keeping?
That's why I think we have to change society in order to give women the role they are entitled to and deserve, and to save society itself, while at the same time not abandoning one of the aspects we hold dearest in society: the power of women's morality.
So please, don't abandon us; our men, our society, our country, our morality, and our religion needs you.