A reliable source tells me that the recent oil and gas excavations that went on in bahrain have yielded: zero, zilch, nada, sefr.
Now that's not something new, as we have had many unsuccessful excavations before. The new twist however is that the government, apparently, has reached the stage of concluding that it is not even worth spending any more money on excavations. i.e. What proven reserves we have right now are the only one's we'll have until they run out. NO MORE OIL!
Now this leaves us a problem of how to fund our future. Do we:
1. Adopt a culture of hard work and thorough education, dragging ourselves through a painful period of political and economic adjustment over the next couple of decades.
2. While it's still possible and before they build a massive army with their new wealth, invade our neighbours QATAR and take over their gasfields. That should sort us out for the next fifty years, hopefully by which I'll either be long gone or senile enough not to care.