Well, it seems Ashoora is in the headlines again. The cabinet of ministers, the shura council and the the parliament have all issued statements regretting events in Ashoora which "threaten national unity". There is apparently unhappiness that religion is mixed with politics.
The government is not esctatic that the Hussaini processions are frequently dotted with references to Shia figures from outside the country. Ashoora processions are usually filled with pictures of figures such as Nasrollah, Fadlallah,Khomeini, and Sistani. This, it seems, has finally touched a raw nerve.
The other thing that angered the government is that Ashoora is also a time when members of the opposition interject religious talks in matams with talks criticising the government. Well with the new resurgence and "in-your-faceness" of Ashoora, and the increased coverage it garners, the government is not too keen about this aspect.
Can Ashoora and politics (not) be separated in Bahrain?